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Evening Around the Village in Breckenridge

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Finally Summer like weather is starting to move into the Mountains around Colorado, looking like just in time for the Holiday weekend which will be real nice change. It seem like winter had a hard time loosing it grip in the High Country but the good news is there is lots of snow to fill the rivers, and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before I find myself rafting down some sweet whitewater! So while out this evening enjoying a very nice sunset I capture this shot of the Maggie Pond at the Village of Breckenridge, to see more cool shots I took around Colorado just click here.

Crazy Highways in the West

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Every time I head out on a road trip I always try and find a new road or highway I’ve never been on, this picture was shot on a pretty sweet section of I-70 in Southern Utah. To this day it blows my mind where Man can build these highways, to see other great pictures from my trip into Utah just click here.


Breckenridge Nice Evening Sunset

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A great thing about Spring and Summer in the Rocky Mountains is some of the sweet sunsets this area sees, it never fails I find myself running out the door with my camera in the evenings to try and capture some of these awesome sunsets. One trick I learn is to make sure I have spots pick out well ahead of time that way when the sky looks like it will light up I’m not in a frenzy trying to find a good location to do the photo shoot, to check out more sweet sunsets you will want to click here.

The Evening Light on Bryce Canyon


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On a recent trip to Bryce Canyon National Park I manage to arrive during the evening sun and what a sight that turn out to be, here the evening sun seem to light up the rock to a sweet orange and red. I wish I was deep inside the canyon to really capture the area but this was still one of the shots that seem to turn out pretty sweet, to check out more cool photographs from Utah just click here.

Night Sky High Up in the Rocky Mountains

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Last night after the last of the snowstorms have passed over Colorado I made my way to 11,000 feet elevation to try my hand at more night photography, here it was a nice cold calm night and with a nice star lit sky all I can think of is WOW!! In this shot I had my camera set at ISO-1600, F-1.8, and kept the lens open for 25 seconds. I also was shooting in Raw Format and used a flashlight to light up the trees, a good tip when using a flashlight is if it’s very bright just light up everything for about 1 sec otherwise everything will be over exposed. To check out more sweet photographs just click here.

Hiking into Calf Creek Falls


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This last Saturday I grab up my girlfriend and we made our way to Southern Utah, about half way in between Capitol Reef National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park is a nice hike to Calf Creek Falls. This hike is a total of 6 miles roundtrip and it takes you up a very sweet looking canyon, the trail only climbs a little and is very sandy so it can be a bit of a work out to get to this place. But once you do make it talk about a Wow Factor kicking in, to check out more sweet pictures of Utah just click here.


Hiking Deep into Capitol Reef National Park


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If you are looking for a sweet National Park that is way off the beaten path and no crowds you should really visit Capitol Reef National Park, this place is one crazy place to visit and the photography around every corner is unreal. The best way to see this place is to get out of the car throw on a pack and hike into the hills and canyons that are all around, and my best advise is to visit this place in the spring and fall when temps are at there best. The summer can get very hot at this place and the winter can be very cold, during the Spring and Fall the temps tend to be around the 60’s-80’s degrees which is great for hiking and camping. To check out more sweet pictures from Utah just click here.

Canyonlands National Park Evening Sun


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Now with the weather picture perfect it’s time for me to pack the bags and make my way to Utah, one place I always love to visit and camp out is Canyon Lands National Park. This place has a handful of campgrounds and can fill up fast so if your lucky enough to get one be ready for great sunsets and sunrise, it seems like the rock all around you will light up in a glow of red and orange. And with the nice warm evening breeze and the sounds of the birds singing talk about a great way to kick off the camping season, so if you would like to check out more sweet picks from around Utah just click here.


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A Colorado Sunset

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As Spring is finally starting to arrive so are the sweet sunsets deep in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, it’s times like these all I can think of is WOW! I can’t tell you how many times I went out hoping for a good sunset and then turns out to be nothing, but then there is that one time when the clouds are just right and boom the sky lights up like no other. So my best advice is never give up trying to catch that perfect sunset, to check out more sweet photos just click here.


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Telluride Colorado Bridal Falls

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If you get a chance to travel to Southwest Colorado to the Town of Telluride be sure you visit Bridal Falls, it’s not to far of a trek from Telluride and there is a 4×4 road you can drive up to get to this place. The other option if you don’t have a off road rig is to hike up to the falls, it’s about a two mile hike one way but it is well worth it! This photograph was taken on a very nice September day while hiking up the road, there is something to be said standing below this huge waterfall deep in the Rocky Mountains. To check out more sweet pictures just click here.


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Photograph the Colorado Night Sky

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A great way to start out photographing the night sky would be on a good full moon night, plus if you can capture some lights in the picture it sure can add a nice effect. This picture was taken to a snow filled night after a big storm rolled through Breckenridge, Colorado and setting my camera up on a tripod was a must! To see other photographs I took just click here.

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Colorado Night Sky

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Grabbing my camera up and heading out into the cold to take night photographs can really pay off sometimes,  I always enjoy trying to pull off new kinds of shots and hanging out on top of some these Mountains is a feeling like no other! I have to think while I’m out there why more people don’t get out and enjoy these sights with there own eyes, it’s to easy for so many people to stay in doors and watch T.V and get stuck doing the same thing day in and day out. So when was the last time you stop what you where doing and look up to enjoy the stars, as bad as that sounds but when you do you will know what I’m talking about. To check out more photographs just click here.

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Hiking the Maroon Bells in Fall

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If you ever wonder where the Maroon Bells are in Colorado they are just outside of Aspen, Colorado. The best time to visit in my personal opinion would be around mid September, it is that time the fall colors are in full swing and the weather tends to be great. Another big plus is the crowds have died down so there is not a boat load of people around you, and this is also a great time to do some great hiking! And one last tip is to get there right at sunrise that is when the lake is glass calm and the Maroon Bells will just pop in your shots, to check out more sweet pictures just click here.

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Capture That Perfect Light in the Evening

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Seems like the best evening shots come right around sunset or about 30 minutes after, I love it when there still a glow in the sky but all the lights around town start to come on. Most of these kinds of shots are pulled off with a tripod and remote while holding the lens open for a few seconds, it can always be a trail to pull off but when you do it makes all the hard work pay off. To check out more pictures just click here.

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Hiking Deep into Colorado Gore Range

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Now that summer is not to far off I find my mind shifting to wanting to do backcountry hikes into the Rocky Mountains, there something to be said when hiking so deep into the Mountains that there is no one around for miles. It is a true feeling of relaxation and adventure at the same time! This picture was taken deep in the Gore Range in Northern Colorado on a very nice summer day, my best tip for doing these kinds of hikes is leave early in the morning and pack lots of food and water. And the last thing would be make sure you bring your camera you never know what you may run into, to check out more pictures from my adventures just click here.


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Big Hike into Bryce Canyon National Park


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If you ever get a chance to visit Bryce Canyon National Park in Southern Utah you should make time to hike down into it, you will be starting around 7,000 feet elevation but the drop into the canyon is around 1,200 vertical. When you get into the canyon you hike into a different World, with huge towers of red rock and pine trees is a sight to behold. It can be a bit of a workout to get back out of the canyon but it will be well worth it, to check out more cool pictures from my adventures just click here.

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The Arizona Desert at Night

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On a good road trip that I took about two weeks ago I made my way down to Arizona, I met up with a friend and I drag him out one night to help me pull off this shot at the Superstition Mountain. This is located in the far East Valley outside of Phoenix Arizona, between the moon and the lights of the city the mountain lit up pretty sweet. Night shots are never easy to pull off and every time I head out to do them I seem to learn something new, to check out other sweet pictures from this trip just click here.


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Adventures into Capitol Reef National Park

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One National Park I always enjoy going to has to be Capitol Reef National Park in Southern Utah, this place is so far off the beaten path it never seems crowded. The best time to visit this park has to be in the Spring or Fall, the temps are perfect and the weather tends to be great! Also if you plan to camp during that time of year make sure you get there early because the one and only campground can fill up fast, and it’s a first come first serve campground. To check out more sweet pictures from Southern Utah just Click Here

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Hiking into a Mountain Goat

I will never forget a big hike I did into the Mountains in Colorado about two summers ago, here it was a beautiful day and I just made it to the top of the Mountain when out of nowhere a Mountain Goat pops up on the trail I was on. He caught me a little off guard but I did manage to get a good picture of him before he turn around and walk away. That is one thing about wildlife photography I love is you never know what you will run into while hiking in the backcountry, to check out more cool pictures just CLICK HERE.

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Colorado Full Moon Night

Last night I decided to head out and try my hand at more night photography, so I headed up to the top of a mountain pass then hike a short ways to capture this shot. I manage to time it just right as the moon began to rise it lit up Mt Royal, and right around that same time a lot of cars where heading South on Highway 9. The bright glow is the Town of Frisco, Colorado and you can see the glow of the smoke from all the fireplaces that where lit up on this chilly night. I used a tripod with a remote, my settings where ISO-1600, F1.8, for 25 sec which seem to do the trick. To check out more sweet pictures be sure to click HERE.

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Feeling the Spring Fever Kicking In

With winter hanging around and Spring seems like it’s in no hurry to start up I’m feeling Spring Fever big time, I think about the nice warm summer days hiking around the Colorado Mountains and seeing the streams and rivers flowing big time with the snow melt off. It’s around that time when I love to grab the camera and shoot the waterfalls and streams at there peak and it’s also a good time to capture all the wildlife running around, but I could do without a black bear run in like I had last summer! To check out more sweet shots of the Colorado summer just click the picture or Link – mjbauerphotography.

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Colorado River Sunsrise Makes a Sweet Print

On one of my adventures while I was camping along the Colorado River out side of Moab, UT I manage to capture this shot of the sunrise on the red rock canyon walls. This nice warm morning last Fall was picture perfect, here I had a nice cup of coffee and the birds where singing away! While sitting along the river edge I could not help feeling on top of the world, so if you ever get a chance to visit this part of the United States you should for sure add it to your bucket list. To check out more sweet photographs from my adventures just click on the picture.

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Breckenridge Colorado Ranch Print

A good thing I always love to do is run out with my camera after a good snowstorm, there always seems to be something very cool to take a picture of while the storm clouds break. Here is a shot of a Ranch just outside of Breckenridge, CO and to check out other sweet pictures just click on the photograph, Also if you would like a 15% discount on any kind of prints just add discount Code VMPFJL at Checkout.

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After the Snowstorm in Colorado Print

One thing great about a good snowstorm that rolled through Colorado is the after effects it will bring, first off it is well needed moister and it’s great for skiing! But it also makes for great photographs which I always love to take after these kinds of storms roll through, here is a picture taken outside of Breckenridge, Colorado looking South down the Ten Mile Range. To check out more sweet pics just click on the photograph.

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